An update: Costco has increased its Gold Star membership fee to $65 which is the basic level, they also have two premium membership of Gold Executive & Business Executive at a same fee , $130. Moreover, McDonald’s and Hungry Jack’s gives you a complimentary birthday burger each year if you have registered your b.d. in their Apps. 有種特別好味的感覺🎉Cheers 🍻
MyState Bank in Hobart has been offering 5% p.a. for bonus saver account. Only needs to deposit AUD 20 and do 5 eligible debit card txs (w/o min. tx amt req't) per month. I also like the unlimited IDD calls from the Australian providers.
Thanks. Nice to see it's useful. 😊
嘩! 今集真係資訊爆棚~ 謝謝你呀, Wilson 🙏
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
An update: Costco has increased its Gold Star membership fee to $65 which is the basic level, they also have two premium membership of Gold Executive & Business Executive at a same fee , $130. Moreover, McDonald’s and Hungry Jack’s gives you a complimentary birthday burger each year if you have registered your b.d. in their Apps. 有種特別好味的感覺🎉Cheers 🍻
Stephen, Thanks for your valuable update. 😊
Thanks for your input. 😊
多謝Wilson先生分享 實用資料
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
好多資訊, 感謝分享😀
Thanks 😊
Very informative 👏
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
好實用,謝謝Wilson 先生
Thanks 😊
好實用, thank you.
Thanks 😊
非常有用, Thanks
Thanks 😊
請問那裡可以找到在outdoor Dector 去年裝那電動Gate . Thanks
MyState Bank in Hobart has been offering 5% p.a. for bonus saver account. Only needs to deposit AUD 20 and do 5 eligible debit card txs (w/o min. tx amt req't) per month. I also like the unlimited IDD calls from the Australian providers.
Thanks for sharing 👍
Hi Wilson, 你住喺Canberra?天氣好唔好?我也想在Canberra 買間屋住,因為我仲未攞到PR身份,所以唔想交太多額外嘅買家附加稅。希望你講吓如果冇PR嘅人想去澳洲長住或養老可以嗎?
我住在Sydney. Canberra 是公務員和學生城市,天氣好。冇PR 似乎很難長住。
Thanks 😊
Plug in hybrid 就一定係三菱outlander架喇
好似byd 要明年才有
Coles mobile can call back to HK free
Nice to know that. Thanks!
Time for ja?