Haven't tried a new VN/game from here in a long while, but man o' man am I looking forward to where this one goes! Of course if one was to look at my current signature it would appear I might be a tad bit biased
Anyhow, I know it's super early in the story, but for me personally I'm really digging Dr. Katie Hamilton. She just really feels like a down-to-earth character that I'll want to confide and trust in moving forward in what will most likely be a dark/grim story. And add the fact that I think she's attractive as hell

-- boom, my new favourite character!
I also have to add I really love those short intro animations for the characters (like when Katie turns around from the TV screen in the first scene with her). I don't really know how to explain it through words, but for me they give off an additional "liveliness" to the characters and they mix really well with the static images (which have wonderful lighting that all would make awesome wallpaper

). And the music in this VN/game...very awesome and fits perfectly.
Although if I were to critique something about the music, I wish the music wouldn't sound like it was abruptly cut-off sometimes when a scene is transitioning to another. But I'm going to assume that's more of an engine issue (Ren'Py) rather than anything else and I can easily overlook it. Guess it just goes to show, if that was one of my only nitpicks with this VN/game, how much I really enjoyed it
@Philly_Games for all your hard work (and help you've been giving to other creators) and I cannot wait to see where City of Broken Dreamers will take us next!
EDIT: Ha, ha, ha...I can't believe I didn't notice the names of the Ghosts at first. Bishop, Frost, Hudson...and I'm supposed to be an Aliens fan. And I believe another poster here mentioned it, but I too also enjoyed that little nod to Terminator with the name of the club Tech Noir. Thanks for bringing out these little bits of nostalgia; definitely makes it more fun!