I remember when Doug was in random parking lots on his knees lunging around a car. Now he's in a garage with a chair. He's come a long way! Well done, Mr. DeMuro!
19:40 The story is even more interesting because his early prototype designs for the Diablo actually ended up also being made into the Cizeta Moroder V16T
@@musek5048 The V16 engine is also derived from mating 2 Lamborghini V8s. Interestingly, it has 2 crankshafts and 4 cams. The crankshafts are mated to a transverse output shaft at 90 degrees to the cranks. The engine is mounted transverse in the car (which is very wide), but its output is straight back. It's definitely a weird and unique car, and it definitely draws a ton of its design language from Lamborghini.
No no no no! This is a very common misconception because they look so similar, but the Diablo proposal and the Cizeta were two different designs by Marcello Gandini. They were presented to the manufacturers AT THE SAME TIME. Eventually the Diablo proposal was rejected by Chrysler and ultimately the Cizeta came out sooner than the Diablo. Chrysler had its doubts about the angular wedge of Gandini's P132 proposal and gave the old Countach another lease of life with the 25th Anniversario whilst they reworked the P132 into the more smoother Diablo. But it is NOT true that the Cizeta is simply a recycled Diablo sketch
@@simonbal6809 Interesting, I hadn't heard this before. Is there anywhere I can read more about this? If so i'd love to read more and also correct the record on Wikipedia since that's where I originally read this.
German dude here that has been enamoured with Diablos since childhood. When I was ~20, my dad had a fairly nice BMW, and we were going ~215km/h on the pretty clear Autobahn. Middle lane even. At one point, there simply was a "swooosh" to our left. Too fast to make out what it was. Two exits later, we were (somehow) just behind that thing: A Diablo. Maaan, I'm really not a car dude, but that day, I felt like some kind of blessing was bestowed upon me. These things were the bees knees, no questions asked. And they looked the part as well. Gorgeous things.
Love this car! In red, yellow, white, black, and grey later I think. THIS was the ultimate music video, poster car of the 90's. Every school book fair and music store had this poster for sale. I remember seeing dozens of these in DuPont Registry, People were always buying and selling them, even trading in that market. Miss seeing this car. The best part of this video is watching Doug stumbling over words he doesn't use, but basically giggle like a little kid at the sounds of that v12! a youth dream come true.
I have both a Countach and Diablo. The Diablo wins on paper in almost every category. I love both cars but if I had to choose one it would be the Countach because it is so crazy and iconic and it feels like I am driving a piece of history.
@@ricodog3652 I'm guessing you're young as obviously know nothing about car design if you think the Diablo looks 80's. Name one other car from the 80's that looks like the Diablo.
Wowww timeless design. They don't make em like that no more. Every angle of the SV is Soo unique, especially how the hips come out, the curvature of the side profile etc 🔥🔥
This is, in my humble opinion, the quintessence of Lamborghini pre VW era: impressive, big, powerful and, most probably (as I never own a real one), unreliable. I love it!!!
doug, as a kid in that time frame the owner of a golf course i worked at had the white diablo sv lettering in black. when it arrived on flat bed to gc (either for delivery or after a service) the flatbed driver didn’t re tighten some of the ratchet straps during drive. the ratchet straps loosened and chipped away the paint on inside fender wells. i was also working the evening it was re delivered after repairs. beautiful car.
Im 37 and I was first introduced to this car by a diecast model made by Maisto in the mid 90s. Anyone remember those? They even had the purple Jota/SE models.
@@airtec87 I still have one of those, the bordeaux one. It is so complete that you can disassemble the rear bumper and wing to make it into the base model. and the doors had the little buttons that would work as latches for the them. Love it so much
I love the fact that the Diablo has a distinct hodgepodge of buttons unlike nowadays where it’s all Audi , Vw parts bin , I love the old quirky stuff like that
This here ladies and gents is my FAVORITE car of all time. Preferably the yellow one with the black SV. A lot of you i see already said what I'm about to say, lol i feel in love with this car no NFS hot pursuit and i been a huge lambo fan ever since. It's the best looking, best designed car of all time. The 🐐
I was about 4 years old when my dad brought home a collection of all the Need For Speed games. Back then, it was Need For Speed 1 through 6, Hot Pursuit 2. NFS 3 Hot Pursuit was one of the first racing games I ever played, and one of the ones I played the most religiously
My mom's '17 Ford Escape is from Canada. If you select imperial units in the cluster, the speedometer changes, but not the cruise control readout. If you're going 60 mph and you hit the cruise, the little cruise icon says 100 kph.
Key ring was for weight distribution. All your keys on one side putting tension on the ignition, vs. the mass of your keys and keychains in the center doing less stress.
I cant understand how people can tolerate a big bunch of keys with other crap like USB sticks and lucky charms hanging off the ignition key, it would drive me nuts. My ignition key goes solo.
This is one of my favorite Diablo, the first one is the SE30 in Viola metalizato and this, the SV. I love that pop up head light. I'm an old school guy so, I love the quircks and features from the 80's and 90's
8:04 I think the reason why they made the suspension control switch design different from the window switches is so that they won't let you mistake the suspension switch for the windows, hence the thicker casing.
My friend was hitchhiking in Italy in the 1990s. He and his two friends separated up in the north as it'd be easier to get a ride solo and agreed to meet in Rome at St. Peter's square at a specific column. So my friend is hitchhiking and a Diablo pulls up... the guy took him down to Rome where my friend spent 3 days alone waiting for his travelling companions to arrive :) As for this car... There are weird dents on the steering wheel (I wonder if it was the airbag 'job'), the rubber trim on the top of the right door is sticking up over the roof, wiring's been messed up with (you can see that in the passenger footwell, the dome light cover is missing. Not that I'm on the market for an Italian car but I'd stay clear of this one :)
Thank you Doug for giving me a trip down the memory lane back to NSF Hot Pursuit 3. This is the most nostalgic car for me ever. I hope to own one someday.
You forgot to mention that this was actually the base model at the time, priced below the "superior" AWD variant, the Diablo VT. Sharp contrast from today's SV models which are always more expensive than the standard models.
8:11 - the center switch is different to let the driver find the windows by feel, without taking their eyes off the road. Very clever design engineering.
Doug, you must keep in mind that to Lamborghini and Ferrari before 2000ish, the priority was engine and performance. LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE WAS AN AFTERTHOUGHT. That's why the dash and buttons are goofy.
My 91 T-Bird SC only had two suspension settings, hard and soft, which were very either. The "Sport" ride was stiff as a Corvette feeling every crack or bump in the road or the "Normal" ride was floating and soft as a Cadillac. It did have a permanent auto mode going into "Sport" ride if hard cornering or acceleration/deceleration is experienced in about half a second.
Lamborghinis were made before the Countach era, I hope you realize that. 350, 400 GT's or Miuras were anything but wild, I would rather call them elegant. Just like the VW era Murcielago
Since kid i loved the Diablo, back then everyone saying the Countach this, the Countach that... but i was in for the Diablo. Guess i'm a vintage kind of guy as my dream garage falls mostly into that gap. Here is my top 10 dream garage (and yes, i had a poster of each one at a given time in my room): 1- Porsche Carrera GT 2006 - (simply the best of all time, manual and techgasm) 2- Laraki Fulgura 2005 - (quirky, but so beautiful at the same time, once the fastest one too) 3- Jaguar XJ220 1994 - (love the interior and the smooth lines) 4- Porsche 911 GT2 2002 (996) - (to me, the best 911 ever made) 5- Lamborghini Diablo VT 1998 (Non-facelift with wing) - (who doesn't love its madness?) 6- Lotus Esprit V8 2004 (Facelift and with wing) - (so similar to Diablo and so underrated) 7- SLR McLaren 2009 - (when Mercedes had no fear of giving it all) 8- Bugatti EB110 1995 - (love the exterior style) 9-Ford GT 2006 - (such a nice story behind) 10- Honda/Acura NSX 2005 - (dig the overall design, unassuming but powerful)
The key makes sense, when you put it in the ignition it doesn't get weighed down by the keyring and you get a good purchase on it when you want to turn it. Quite weird all carkeys aren't like that.
I saw one of these at Earls Court motorshow around 95/96 in that pearlescent orange colour. The SV stickers were also orange but stood out just enough. Looked epic.
Funny thing, on the Diablo the SV stood for Sport Veloce, only on the Murciélago and Aventador it became Super Veloce, on the Miura it was actually Spinto Veloce ... and what really surprized me was the photo of the Diablo SE30 Jota he uses ... that's a 1/18 scale model made by Kyosho and the photo is 'borrowed' from the LamboDiecast collection website !
Doug I ride a bicycle for transportation but like watching your review's. You get so excited, very entertaining and informative. If I ever get a car I'll make sure l look it up on your channel first. Peace out. Stephen
This car and the C5 Corvette will forever be two of my favorite cars thanks to NFS 3 Hot Pursuit. My love for cars and racing started due to that game.
@@MikeKayK also I noticed Doug got the Stats wrong with the Horsepower on the SV he states that the SV had 510 HP when the SV actually had 529 HP from the Factory! not sure where Doug got the 510 HP from
Same. Although this video is a massive improvement of what his reviews looked like a few months back. The lighting used to be god awful and the audio was super echo-y.
@@kazuguyeh, a marginal improvement. You're right though don't get me wrong but seeing how long it took him to even attempt to address those issues shows you how little new money Doug cares.
I’m very surprised the seller didn’t repair the dome light cover and those wires in the passenger seat. Gives me pause on how well it was maintained. Very cool car tho.
Doug should get a better camera microphone setup like Cleetus has. It adjusts the mic gain automatically so engine revs sound correct. You can tell because it takes awhile to return to more gain when they're done revving the engines. Doug is the type of guy to use a 5 year old iPhone to record videos that get 3 million views.
My nostalgia was unlocked back to the 90s going to Criswell Chevy in Gburg, Md as a kid, and seeing the 3 Diablos they had on the floor. I got in trouble for touching this purple one thanks to my intrusive thoughts winning the battle. They seemed a lot smaller in person than they did in Need for Speed 1. Ty Doug!!!
Pretty car. There was a tv show called Nip and Tuck where one of the surgeons drove one of these. The decal is a little weird and looks like SL as opposed to SV but I suppose it’s part of the car’s history.
I spend so much time driving this game in front of my PC back in the day. This car is my favorite car all time. I'd buy it just to put it in my living room as the ultimate trophy.
Those upper and lower warning lights look like they straight up got lifted right out of a Chrysler Town & Country minivan of the same year. Funny how Doug didn't mention that while many Sports cars/super cars of that period had upgraded to a 6 speed manual, the Diablo only gave you 5 gears...but you could do 0-60mph in 1st gear(without destroying it) and it sounds amazing when you do.
haha yess! I thought the same. Coincidently, remembering, that there wouldn't be a Lambo today if it wasn't for Chrysler saving their buts back in 1981.
@@TDRE88 the gear ratio in the Diablo (i cannot give the specific numbers) were such that 1st gear got you started on a track, 2nd gear was a short "helper gear" to get you around corners, and you wouldn't drop below that in a hairpin or the torque would cause you to spin out...3, 4, and 5th got you to racing speed, and with 500+hp it would top out around 202mph...very fast for it's time. (until Bugatti started making hyper cars to beat super cars...in a straight line) the wedge shape made for a very low drag coefficient, the Diablo was crazy fast.
@@lerr001jr7 steering wheel, sort of...but the Chrysler mini-vans had the horn buttons integrated more inwards towards the airbag area, which made them difficult to press when needed, because it was spongy pleather and pretty vague. also, the Lambo bottom is flattened, like a sports car whereas the van was rounded. but, yeah...i can see a similarity...Lambo probably borrowed the steering wheel from a more plebian vehicle(as Doug would say, LOL)
is nobody gonna talk about how FREAKING LOW this thing is? the roof is at the same level of doug's groin. its even lower than a 2012 aventador, which is at the same level as my diaphragm and I'm 5'9".
I raced one of these when I had my 95 viper in Huntington Beach up pch to Newport back in 05. We ran three times to 140ish he won all three but only by a car. Most memorable race ever for me.
I grew up in corona del mar, right on PCH. I think I saw you guy's one night when I was out late one night with my friends. If it wasn't you it must have been someone else racing super car's on PCH in the mid 90's
@@califaern3sto do you know the story with the RT/10 vipers headlight design and housing? they were independently designed by GE for the BMW Z1 but BMW chose another design and Chrysler saved a lot of $$ in R&D by not designing one in-house. When you look at the sculpted front headlight area of the original Viper, it's quite incredible.
Lamborghini used to source its special plastics from the Soviets, it was famously dissolvable in vodka. They had so much stockpiled that they kept using it for interiors well into the 2000's, despite production ceasing in 1992. Fun fact: in a pinch the suspension control switch module can be eaten like a chocolate bar.
I always loved the Diablo. I think the shape of the doors, how they curve downwards, is the sexiest design element in any car, ever. ❤️ I can't get enough of it. It's a car you never forget.
@@dustmighte Probably in a few years, given the law to import cars in the States. But I know he also has reviewed McLaren F1 and Ferrari F50 before - these being my other two dream cars.
Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit nostalgia immediately unlocked!
Bot Gotcha always used it, it was the hardest one to beat
That video game is why this is my ultimate lambo!
My favorite game ever!!! I loved the CLK-GTR the most 😆
The best police car in the game
Aww....man. Beat me to it. I'm dusting off my PS1. Does anybody want to go one on one? 😊😊😊
I remember when Doug was in random parking lots on his knees lunging around a car. Now he's in a garage with a chair. He's come a long way! Well done, Mr. DeMuro!
Must be nice… meanwhile 60% of America can’t afford a used Honda civic.
@@FarmersDaughterYT LOLOL! :D :D
@@boosted2022 crazy times we're living through
Thank trump for that 😂@@boosted2022
This episode feels like one of Doug's old classics. It may not get millions of views these days but I love it when he reviews old school supercars.
This is classic Doug!
The good old days back when his videos weren't glorified ads.
Agreed! I love his reviews of just plain old cars.
It's an ad anyway for his website cars and bids.
Doug is rich from cars and bids. He just does what car he likes.
No matter what changes come to this channel, please keep these style reviews: outdoor background, a supercar, and a few cameras = Perfection
19:40 The story is even more interesting because his early prototype designs for the Diablo actually ended up also being made into the Cizeta Moroder V16T
no wonder those two have a very similar appearance
@@musek5048 The V16 engine is also derived from mating 2 Lamborghini V8s. Interestingly, it has 2 crankshafts and 4 cams. The crankshafts are mated to a transverse output shaft at 90 degrees to the cranks. The engine is mounted transverse in the car (which is very wide), but its output is straight back. It's definitely a weird and unique car, and it definitely draws a ton of its design language from Lamborghini.
No no no no! This is a very common misconception because they look so similar, but the Diablo proposal and the Cizeta were two different designs by Marcello Gandini. They were presented to the manufacturers AT THE SAME TIME. Eventually the Diablo proposal was rejected by Chrysler and ultimately the Cizeta came out sooner than the Diablo. Chrysler had its doubts about the angular wedge of Gandini's P132 proposal and gave the old Countach another lease of life with the 25th Anniversario whilst they reworked the P132 into the more smoother Diablo. But it is NOT true that the Cizeta is simply a recycled Diablo sketch
Partially funded by synth God Giorgio Moroder, hence the name.
@@simonbal6809 Interesting, I hadn't heard this before. Is there anywhere I can read more about this? If so i'd love to read more and also correct the record on Wikipedia since that's where I originally read this.
German dude here that has been enamoured with Diablos since childhood. When I was ~20, my dad had a fairly nice BMW, and we were going ~215km/h on the pretty clear Autobahn. Middle lane even. At one point, there simply was a "swooosh" to our left. Too fast to make out what it was. Two exits later, we were (somehow) just behind that thing: A Diablo. Maaan, I'm really not a car dude, but that day, I felt like some kind of blessing was bestowed upon me. These things were the bees knees, no questions asked. And they looked the part as well. Gorgeous things.
Doug the type of guy to cancel a doctors appointment cause he’s sick
This.... is 🤣
Champion comment lmao
you got me giggling
Love this car! In red, yellow, white, black, and grey later I think. THIS was the ultimate music video, poster car of the 90's. Every school book fair and music store had this poster for sale. I remember seeing dozens of these in DuPont Registry, People were always buying and selling them, even trading in that market. Miss seeing this car. The best part of this video is watching Doug stumbling over words he doesn't use, but basically giggle like a little kid at the sounds of that v12! a youth dream come true.
Doug rethinking his countach purchase
Doug is the type of guy to prefer the Countach because it has a trunk
I got that feeling also.
countach has a tiny interior compared to the diablo
I have both a Countach and Diablo. The Diablo wins on paper in almost every category. I love both cars but if I had to choose one it would be the Countach because it is so crazy and iconic and it feels like I am driving a piece of history.
Would ditch either for a facelift Diablo GT. There's just no contest
Diablo definitely my favorite Lambo ever. Timeless design without looking too dated
Honestly it's the Countach for me
Really? I think it looks like an 80s car.
@@ricodog3652 I'm guessing you're young as obviously know nothing about car design if you think the Diablo looks 80's. Name one other car from the 80's that looks like the Diablo.
The giant SV lettering on the sides was an option buyers had to spec and pay extra for, I've seen many of them here in Europe without the lettering.
I think they look better without the BIG letters 🎉
I thought it said "SL" 😅
Something about that lopsided "V" disturbs me
@@CastorRabbit the fact it looks like an L?
Somehow I see outlines of a bull's head in the way letters are designed....Is it the muzzle, are those horns, I don't know....
Saw two of these parked next to each other in London on a trip when I was a kid and they were two of the most striking cars I’ve ever seen.
Doug is the kind of guy who thought the SV graphic was too much when he was a kid.
I agree with him. I didn't like it back then and I don't like it now.
He wouldn't be alone, I am in the same camp. I'm not a purist and love modified super cars. This definitely doesn't do it for me
first 'doug is type the of guy' joke that made me smile
Poor tastes
@@CAL1MBOit would fit right in at a MAGA rally
I was considering purchasing this Diablo SV, but decided I’d go with something more reliable and chose the Nissan Altima SV instead.
Intro of the NFS Hot pursuit 2, the power slide that DIABLO makes is one of the coolest moments in a video game history
One of the best intros to a video game
in the intro of Hot Pursuit 2 its a murcielago
@@sesto194 OP is talking about the Diablo police car.
@@anarki_in5680 oh yeah, my bad. I need to play that game again
Same here
Unlocked my nostalgia
Wowww timeless design. They don't make em like that no more. Every angle of the SV is Soo unique, especially how the hips come out, the curvature of the side profile etc 🔥🔥
This is, in my humble opinion, the quintessence of Lamborghini pre VW era: impressive, big, powerful and, most probably (as I never own a real one), unreliable. I love it!!!
Both Countach and Diablo are very reliable, probably more than modern Lamborghini.
Wring deliberately beter there furd
WV are not real lambos 😢
@@h9hkk6155 vg
doug, as a kid in that time frame the owner of a golf course i worked at had the white diablo sv lettering in black. when it arrived on flat bed to gc (either for delivery or after a service) the flatbed driver didn’t re tighten some of the ratchet straps during drive. the ratchet straps loosened and chipped away the paint on inside fender wells. i was also working the evening it was re delivered after repairs. beautiful car.
Man this car is so effing cool. Pure 90's awesomeness, with Jamiroquai as background music.
I'm 34 years old and this is the only Lambo I've ever wanted.
Fr same. Although I’m 19
Same here, 36 and it's on my personal number 1 place from childhood.
Same, 32 years old, the only Lambo I ever wanted also. So many memories.
Im 37 and I was first introduced to this car by a diecast model made by Maisto in the mid 90s. Anyone remember those? They even had the purple Jota/SE models.
@@airtec87 I still have one of those, the bordeaux one. It is so complete that you can disassemble the rear bumper and wing to make it into the base model. and the doors had the little buttons that would work as latches for the them. Love it so much
I love the 4wd warning light in the first row of lights 😂😂
4WD warning light looks cool.
I like the whole first row of warning lights because it's italian car and as a owner you should know instantly what to expect of your car. 😂
Yeah, it is not needed, since the SV is RWD only.
@@vladvulcan that's why it's funny that it still has it, it'll be on forever
They've also left a functioning rear fog light button in place even though the North American spec Diablo doesn't have a rear fog light.. 🙃
I love the fact that the Diablo has a distinct hodgepodge of buttons unlike nowadays where it’s all Audi , Vw parts bin , I love the old quirky stuff like that
Doug is the kind of guy who doesn't annoy his viewers by demanding we smash the like button
Old school RUclips
When channels ask for that, I’m more unlikely to actually do it. I’m shocked so many still ask
@@ScherrerMadness Same here. Ask me to smash the like button and subscribe = nope
Stop the stupids comments !!!! Ffs stop the « Doug is the kind of guy » ! You are acting like a bot
This here ladies and gents is my FAVORITE car of all time. Preferably the yellow one with the black SV. A lot of you i see already said what I'm about to say, lol i feel in love with this car no NFS hot pursuit and i been a huge lambo fan ever since. It's the best looking, best designed car of all time. The 🐐
I was about 4 years old when my dad brought home a collection of all the Need For Speed games. Back then, it was Need For Speed 1 through 6, Hot Pursuit 2.
NFS 3 Hot Pursuit was one of the first racing games I ever played, and one of the ones I played the most religiously
My mom's '17 Ford Escape is from Canada. If you select imperial units in the cluster, the speedometer changes, but not the cruise control readout. If you're going 60 mph and you hit the cruise, the little cruise icon says 100 kph.
Key ring was for weight distribution. All your keys on one side putting tension on the ignition, vs. the mass of your keys and keychains in the center doing less stress.
@@stingray120 Regardless if that's the original intent, they're not wrong
I cant understand how people can tolerate a big bunch of keys with other crap like USB sticks and lucky charms hanging off the ignition key, it would drive me nuts. My ignition key goes solo.
@@sarahblikre5674Diablo SV has 510bhp.
Do you have keys made out of noodles or something? Da f you talking about.
This is one of my favorite Diablo, the first one is the SE30 in Viola metalizato and this, the SV. I love that pop up head light. I'm an old school guy so, I love the quircks and features from the 80's and 90's
Remember this car from Need For Speed III Hot Pursuit
HQ, I'm in pursuit of a black Lamborghini Diablo requesting a roadblock? 😊😊😊😊
You can get it on NFS Heat. It's the best of the Lambos and I still don't like it.
@@dreammatch2000 Bro... a core memory. Thanks a lot.
@@darkelite12 core memory too. It was a great game
yes !!!
8:04 I think the reason why they made the suspension control switch design different from the window switches is so that they won't let you mistake the suspension switch for the windows, hence the thicker casing.
When i was a kid, this car was IT. Need for speed hot pursuit made it my dream car, and i still have a hotwheels of it. The SV decal is way too cool.
My friend was hitchhiking in Italy in the 1990s. He and his two friends separated up in the north as it'd be easier to get a ride solo and agreed to meet in Rome at St. Peter's square at a specific column. So my friend is hitchhiking and a Diablo pulls up... the guy took him down to Rome where my friend spent 3 days alone waiting for his travelling companions to arrive :)
As for this car... There are weird dents on the steering wheel (I wonder if it was the airbag 'job'), the rubber trim on the top of the right door is sticking up over the roof, wiring's been messed up with (you can see that in the passenger footwell, the dome light cover is missing. Not that I'm on the market for an Italian car but I'd stay clear of this one :)
This... Was my dream car for most of my childhood
Me too. Still is.
Same 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Has your dream come true?
Thank you Doug for giving me a trip down the memory lane back to NSF Hot Pursuit 3. This is the most nostalgic car for me ever. I hope to own one someday.
You forgot to mention that this was actually the base model at the time, priced below the "superior" AWD variant, the Diablo VT. Sharp contrast from today's SV models which are always more expensive than the standard models.
Interesting tidbit. thanks!
Was wondering the same lol
8:11 - the center switch is different to let the driver find the windows by feel, without taking their eyes off the road. Very clever design engineering.
I had this exact car in this exact color scheme as a 1:18 die-cast from Maisto as a kid. Always loved how it looked.
I had the white one with the black SV lettering.
Doug, you must keep in mind that to Lamborghini and Ferrari before 2000ish, the priority was engine and performance. LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE WAS AN AFTERTHOUGHT. That's why the dash and buttons are goofy.
Rom di Prisco and Saki Kaskas music are the perfect thing to play when driving this.
I would be playing Knossos while driving up an Alpine Road with a Red Diablo SV and Blue SV Logo ;)
🥲 R.I.P Saki Kaskas, nostalgia trip guaranteed.
The album Hyperspace by Beck is what i would blasting
@@talkkari5460 I know what you mean his passing still saddens me. Like Rom Di Prisco his music is still timeless I still play it on drives today :)
@@racr2687for me i always prefer both Romulus 3 and Colorful Dreams Colorful Smiles while driving this Diablo SV.😊
My 91 T-Bird SC only had two suspension settings, hard and soft, which were very either. The "Sport" ride was stiff as a Corvette feeling every crack or bump in the road or the "Normal" ride was floating and soft as a Cadillac. It did have a permanent auto mode going into "Sport" ride if hard cornering or acceleration/deceleration is experienced in about half a second.
Forget the Countach, this is the Lambo I want.
...Now accepting donations.
Forget all those.I want the Centenario.I can dream 😴
The pre-facelift Diablo is peak Lamborghini design. No model ever looked better.
Pre VW Lambo designers were wild - like a drug fuelled Rod Stewart scored fever dream.
The Countach is still the most outrageous design ever!
Lamborghinis were made before the Countach era, I hope you realize that. 350, 400 GT's or Miuras were anything but wild, I would rather call them elegant. Just like the VW era Murcielago
Since kid i loved the Diablo, back then everyone saying the Countach this, the Countach that... but i was in for the Diablo. Guess i'm a vintage kind of guy as my dream garage falls mostly into that gap. Here is my top 10 dream garage (and yes, i had a poster of each one at a given time in my room):
1- Porsche Carrera GT 2006 - (simply the best of all time, manual and techgasm)
2- Laraki Fulgura 2005 - (quirky, but so beautiful at the same time, once the fastest one too)
3- Jaguar XJ220 1994 - (love the interior and the smooth lines)
4- Porsche 911 GT2 2002 (996) - (to me, the best 911 ever made)
5- Lamborghini Diablo VT 1998 (Non-facelift with wing) - (who doesn't love its madness?)
6- Lotus Esprit V8 2004 (Facelift and with wing) - (so similar to Diablo and so underrated)
7- SLR McLaren 2009 - (when Mercedes had no fear of giving it all)
8- Bugatti EB110 1995 - (love the exterior style)
9-Ford GT 2006 - (such a nice story behind)
10- Honda/Acura NSX 2005 - (dig the overall design, unassuming but powerful)
The key makes sense, when you put it in the ignition it doesn't get weighed down by the keyring and you get a good purchase on it when you want to turn it. Quite weird all carkeys aren't like that.
I saw one of these at Earls Court motorshow around 95/96 in that pearlescent orange colour. The SV stickers were also orange but stood out just enough. Looked epic.
What an absolute piece of art
My childhood, poster car!!
Always use this car in NFS : High Stakes PS1 😂
I love that you do these in the Zoo parking lot lol. Every time I'm running through the park I look around to see if you're
doing a video..
stalker identified... 🤣
Stalker much?
Im with you Doug.
Thought the big SV was "lame" and missed no opportunity to comment on the Diablo SL.
Now, nostalgic and cool as possible.
Gotta love the sv font
Looks like an early 2000s tramp stamp.
comic sans
10/10 font also.😊
@@basshead. lol
The SV has the charm of a BOSS sweatshirt . But it was and is a real head turner.... Love the car :D
This was THE Car on my Brother’s PS2 NFS Hot Pursuit and I love it all the time when he plays it.
It also has NFS version for HSV Coupe GTS.
Funny thing, on the Diablo the SV stood for Sport Veloce, only on the Murciélago and Aventador it became Super Veloce, on the Miura it was actually Spinto Veloce ... and what really surprized me was the photo of the Diablo SE30 Jota he uses ... that's a 1/18 scale model made by Kyosho and the photo is 'borrowed' from the LamboDiecast collection website !
Doug I ride a bicycle for transportation but like watching your review's. You get so excited, very entertaining and informative. If I ever get a car I'll make sure l look it up on your channel first. Peace out. Stephen
Thank you for fixing the audio problems filming in your garage
This car and the C5 Corvette will forever be two of my favorite cars thanks to NFS 3 Hot Pursuit. My love for cars and racing started due to that game.
C5s are the everyman's supercar. Not the fanciest but they're easy to find and easy to modify.
Viper and ltuds
This was my favorite car in NFS 3 hot pursuit, That SV on the doors is absolutely beautiful .. Nostalgia overload
Everyone getting nfs 3 vibes, someone has to let Doug review a CLK-GTR, that was THE car. Make it happen. Hasn't he reviewed the xjr15 also?
I've been wanting him to review a CLKGTR for the longest time
@@kazuguysame also waiting for CLR.
Yes! he did a video of a yellow Jaguar XJR 15
Has happened 😮 clk gtr
Doug is the type of guy that makes a "Doug is the type of guy" joke
wow Need for Speed III Hot Pursuit Vibes just unlocked for me its rare to see this in Black you always would see this in Yellow
Yellow was the best color, IMO. Followed by blue.
@@MikeKayK but what's even rarer is having the SV Sticker in Sliver/gray like in the Video
@@MikeKayK also I noticed Doug got the Stats wrong with the Horsepower on the SV he states that the SV had 510 HP when the SV actually had 529 HP from the Factory! not sure where Doug got the 510 HP from
@@VideoGamerExpert5 What other color could it be on a black car?
@@MikeKayK what about a White SV Sticker
Absolute legend. My childhood favorite when I played NFS racing games on PS1/X. 🤯
kinda miss doug doing reviews outdoors while standing/kneeling . its just not the same hehehe
In his defense it was probably pretty exhausting to stand for hours on end
To me it doesn't matter where he does it. The important thing is that he's still doing awesome reviews nonetheless 😁
Same. Although this video is a massive improvement of what his reviews looked like a few months back. The lighting used to be god awful and the audio was super echo-y.
@@kazuguyeh, a marginal improvement. You're right though don't get me wrong but seeing how long it took him to even attempt to address those issues shows you how little new money Doug cares.
@@CL-fg5ne Good thing he doesn't work on an assembly line then, poor Doug having to stand up for a few hours, he can take a break any time he wants
I’m very surprised the seller didn’t repair the dome light cover and those wires in the passenger seat. Gives me pause on how well it was maintained. Very cool car tho.
Buyers felt the same. Barely cleared $300k and didn’t hit reserve.
@@willmtaylorso much for the claimed $600k in the title, can't blame them for trying though 😂
Those rims are perfection in every possible way 👏🏽
They're hideous.
Ten minutes in: Doug’s gettin’ sweaty 😂. No shame, Doug! It’s great!!
Love your reviews, would like to see you do a Panoz a lot of people don't know the brand.
man your so happy it makes me happy for you! subscribed.
Lamborghini - let's save weight
Also Lamborghini - let's have a subwoofer and amplifier as well
Free heat!!
Imagine how cool if Doug reviews all NFS IV cars
Doug should get a better camera microphone setup like Cleetus has. It adjusts the mic gain automatically so engine revs sound correct. You can tell because it takes awhile to return to more gain when they're done revving the engines. Doug is the type of guy to use a 5 year old iPhone to record videos that get 3 million views.
Doug is the empitimy of if it broke don't fix it
My nostalgia was unlocked back to the 90s going to Criswell Chevy in Gburg, Md as a kid, and seeing the 3 Diablos they had on the floor. I got in trouble for touching this purple one thanks to my intrusive thoughts winning the battle. They seemed a lot smaller in person than they did in Need for Speed 1. Ty Doug!!!
Oh how i have lusted ..LUSTED after this car for decades. Thanks Doug DeMuro, cool to see :)
That’s weird dude
@@Pusfilth How so? Think I want to put my sausage in its exhaust? Think you got me wrong there dude
Pretty car. There was a tv show called Nip and Tuck where one of the surgeons drove one of these. The decal is a little weird and looks like SL as opposed to SV but I suppose it’s part of the car’s history.
Doug is the type of guy to let Kennan make a video with this car first
A journalist in Spain said it was terrible to drive, back bumper melted, he tested 2 units
Waited for this review for years
wow, couldn't help but notice that the window switches are the EXACT SAME I had in my vw Corrado
That is hilarious
Joining the pursuit on the diablo! He is going over 140!
Cannon ball runs go faster then 140 like Miami vuce Canon vall runers average 155 mph
I spend so much time driving this game in front of my PC back in the day. This car is my favorite car all time. I'd buy it just to put it in my living room as the ultimate trophy.
Those upper and lower warning lights look like they straight up got lifted right out of a Chrysler Town & Country minivan of the same year.
Funny how Doug didn't mention that while many Sports cars/super cars of that period had upgraded to a 6 speed manual, the Diablo only gave you 5 gears...but you could do 0-60mph in 1st gear(without destroying it) and it sounds amazing when you do.
haha yess! I thought the same. Coincidently, remembering, that there wouldn't be a Lambo today if it wasn't for Chrysler saving their buts back in 1981.
I thought that was the 1st gen mercy’s that could go to 60 in first?
@@TDRE88 the gear ratio in the Diablo (i cannot give the specific numbers) were such that 1st gear got you started on a track, 2nd gear was a short "helper gear" to get you around corners, and you wouldn't drop below that in a hairpin or the torque would cause you to spin out...3, 4, and 5th got you to racing speed, and with 500+hp it would top out around 202mph...very fast for it's time. (until Bugatti started making hyper cars to beat super cars...in a straight line) the wedge shape made for a very low drag coefficient, the Diablo was crazy fast.
Steering wheel too
@@lerr001jr7 steering wheel, sort of...but the Chrysler mini-vans had the horn buttons integrated more inwards towards the airbag area, which made them difficult to press when needed, because it was spongy pleather and pretty vague. also, the Lambo bottom is flattened, like a sports car whereas the van was rounded. but, yeah...i can see a similarity...Lambo probably borrowed the steering wheel from a more plebian vehicle(as Doug would say, LOL)
Everyone talking about NFS 3 Hot Pursuit, but I didn’t play that, I played the NFS 4 High Stakes, and this car was also there, great memories !
is nobody gonna talk about how FREAKING LOW this thing is? the roof is at the same level of doug's groin.
its even lower than a 2012 aventador, which is at the same level as my diaphragm and I'm 5'9".
Yes ut is
Man Doug I've been asking for a 1990 chevy corvette zr1 for years now what a 90s icon 😢
I raced one of these when I had my 95 viper in Huntington Beach up pch to Newport back in 05. We ran three times to 140ish he won all three but only by a car. Most memorable race ever for me.
Caninnballl run chef lamghini passs you
New Port finsh canonn ball run race milion dlers
I grew up in corona del mar, right on PCH. I think I saw you guy's one night when I was out late one night with my friends. If it wasn't you it must have been someone else racing super car's on PCH in the mid 90's
Master chef gmchjef to
Doug is just giddy with excitement from the jump. I would be too!
Jaguar XJ220 "my rear lights were sourced from a Rover 200 sedan"
Lamborghini Diablo "hold my beer"
Chuef favorite jagure
The later VT used headlights from the Nissan
@@califaern3sto do you know the story with the RT/10 vipers headlight design and housing? they were independently designed by GE for the BMW Z1 but BMW chose another design and Chrysler saved a lot of $$ in R&D by not designing one in-house. When you look at the sculpted front headlight area of the original Viper, it's quite incredible.
Lamborghini used to source its special plastics from the Soviets, it was famously dissolvable in vodka. They had so much stockpiled that they kept using it for interiors well into the 2000's, despite production ceasing in 1992. Fun fact: in a pinch the suspension control switch module can be eaten like a chocolate bar.
Doug the type of guy to load the dice by putting a value in the title of a video on a car for sale on his auction website.
Painfully obvious comment using a dead meme. Grow up. Go away. Keep your stupid comments to yourself. Pathetic
Been rocking with you for over a decade brother , best channel ever lol if you ever make it to AZ beers on me 🍻
Doug had an energy drink today
THIIIIIISSSS is the review I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!!!! I saw the thumbnail and I instantly thought: NFS III: Hot Pursuit on PC
Doug is the kind of guy to say "SV" 9342 times in one video
My childhood dream car. Still is. I know many people think countach is cooler and more unique... But I just like the diablo more.
I know the Countach is more iconic, but the Diablo is my favorite crazy Lamborghini.
I get way more nostalgia from the Diablo. That thing _was_ the late 90s.
Its about time doug does a review on The Murci sv
Doug's the type of guy to add a neon-green wall to his reviews to simulate the outside nature where he used to do his reviews.
I always loved the Diablo.
I think the shape of the doors, how they curve downwards, is the sexiest design element in any car, ever. ❤️
I can't get enough of it. It's a car you never forget.
So essentially, Doug has reviewed all my dream cars now! 😁
As far as I'm concerned, we're missing some Tommykaira ZZ's in here
@@dustmighte Probably in a few years, given the law to import cars in the States.
But I know he also has reviewed McLaren F1 and Ferrari F50 before - these being my other two dream cars.
That exhaust note first made me giggle and then cry, the most beautiful sound I've heard in a long while