Italo Ferreira Tests The 2022 Winning Board | Stab in the Dark

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • In Stab in the Dark 2022, Jack Robinson selected the Channel Islands CI Pro as his winning board.
    This year, Channel Islands' head shaper Britt Merrick has designed a slightly updated version of the CI Pro for Italo Ferreira to test - the CI 2.Pro, which offers a similar outline but slightly less rocker.
    Will Italo love it, or kick it to the bin? Watch the full episode 2 of Stab in the Dark here to find out:
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Комментарии • 152

  • @concretely
    @concretely Год назад +64

    The best part of this series is that you get to watch pros have to make do with average waves, with unknown equipment, and they still find ways to make magic.

  • @bdlosson
    @bdlosson Год назад +31

    Barney. Refers to himself by name but in the 3rd person. Love his surfing but egomaniac

    • @ControversialJay
      @ControversialJay 10 месяцев назад

      nope. he's confident, and justifiably so.

  • @FranklinDattein
    @FranklinDattein Год назад +15

    Italo is a authentic and we don’t get to see it captured in video anymore these days. Legend!

  • @davitavora508
    @davitavora508 Год назад +6

    Please release the whole seriesss

  • @brasilsurfguru
    @brasilsurfguru Год назад +31

    such a humble

    • @mezaman6710
      @mezaman6710 Год назад +3

      the poster child for ego maniac

  • @AubrieWeaverr
    @AubrieWeaverr Год назад +13

    6:35 god all mighty

    • @TheNateDawg20
      @TheNateDawg20 Год назад +1

      scrolled down to the comments specifically to see if anyone else noticed lol

  • @cbradleyrichardson
    @cbradleyrichardson Год назад

    Love the guy at 4.44 drinking the water like he’s at a spring

  • @Hugo4104
    @Hugo4104 Год назад +3

    Jeez this dude needs some humility

  • @waxcomb
    @waxcomb Год назад +16

    Jordy and IF taking shots at each other 😂

  • @dennetoyanguren9038
    @dennetoyanguren9038 Год назад +24

    I lIke his Confidence. Its not typical in Surfing, but actually refreshing. Not everything in Surf culture needs to be chill bro - NBA NFL FiFA F1 is full of this type of Charisma -

    • @j.mach1133
      @j.mach1133 Год назад +3

      All of us “normal” surfers go out there to get fun waves, try to push it and improve, but our livelihoods are not at stake. Trying to be the best in the world if difficult to comprehend. Very very few can achieve that by just going out and doing their thing (Reynolds). To actually reach that mountaintop is totally different. I’m here for the ripping, and Italo is providing

  • @aidanbotha6556
    @aidanbotha6556 Год назад +4

    Wow, humble too 😆

  • @sergioalvarez376
    @sergioalvarez376 Год назад +4

    He is using different set of fins on each board...he should use the same to compare only boards, as fins play a key role. Is Italo selecting the fins or are selected by the shapers?

  • @danielcurvello3173
    @danielcurvello3173 Год назад +14

    Who is perfect off camera? It's not about ego, it's pride to como out of nowhere and rwach dreams not only for him but also for his familiy, friends and the kids of Baia Formosa. Who don't knows the lack of resources in many areas of Brazil must think twice before jugde. Timmy allowed Tico and Teco development as pro shapers. Tico and Teco made Italo's boards since he was a kid shaping 4'11" grom. The IF15 model is the result of mamy years developing this 4'11". Is it too hard and painful to watch a gift happy person that reached all his dreams and now have all the resources and discipline to go beyond? Everybody has highs and lows. Just look at the mirror before judging.

    • @erivanlucas5711
      @erivanlucas5711 Год назад

      Perfect! 👏👏👏👏

    • @jelte9297
      @jelte9297 Год назад

      Yeah... except i don't see anyone from Indo, African countries or the rest of Latin America talk like that? they seem way more humble. I don't agree with your argument. I think it's more a Brazilian style instead of it having to do with coming from poor origins etc?

    • @Marcellhngb
      @Marcellhngb Год назад

      @@jelte9297 maybe its or style too, but i dont know any african or latin american apart from the brasilians who are world champions and/or olympics gold medalists

  • @benh7506
    @benh7506 Год назад +1

    Italo surfs like its a video game

  • @mikeuptegrove
    @mikeuptegrove Год назад +66

    I’m almost embarrassed for Italo for his opening remarks here. He thinks he’s Tupac reincarnated I guess. Humility isn’t anything he ever learned about I suppose, and that far surpassed anything defined as a healthy dose of self-confidence. I guess I finally can make sense of all the anti-Brazos comments that flood the WSL livestream chats.

    • @thomasstern6814
      @thomasstern6814 Год назад +16

      He was asked a question that encoured this response, thats how interviews work. Also, you need this sort of self belief to be a world champion. You need to believe you are the best

    • @marckindl1071
      @marckindl1071 Год назад +5

      There are many things lost in translation too. Portuguese, and the way its used, is not English.

    • @ivomendonca2468
      @ivomendonca2468 Год назад +14

      This guy came from a poor family in a poor fisherman city in Brazil. He knows a lot about life. Including not put head down when he don't need. The first battle to win is in your mind.

    • @RemoverBacterias
      @RemoverBacterias Год назад +9

      he only said that his surfing style is doing the unexpected, whenever he has a chance he's gonna take it and thats his strength. what's so bad about that?

    • @iraomar1
      @iraomar1 Год назад +1

      Tupac is a legend but he was also very sensitive and emotional. Nothing wrong with that.

  • @silviokochinski-mp4wk
    @silviokochinski-mp4wk Год назад +4

    Campeão mundial , campeão olímpico...nem precisa fala italo fecha a conta e passa a reguá.

  • @brunachiaradia4691
    @brunachiaradia4691 Год назад +6

    Sabe o que? Ítalo é foda meu irmão 🚀

  • @mariza3832
    @mariza3832 Год назад +2

    O teu estilo de surf è muito intenso, tu bota emoção! Sou sua fã !!!

  • @IndexFossilchannel
    @IndexFossilchannel Год назад +8

    06:35 shaped by God !

    • @IndexFossilchannel
      @IndexFossilchannel Год назад +2

      @@starcarbonracer Dude, It's okay to be gay.. but let us like a big fat round pin. Tks!

    • @bruno6288
      @bruno6288 Год назад +1

      @@IndexFossilchannel lol

    • @vitordaher8941
      @vitordaher8941 Год назад

      Red and smelling string

  • @sumatran
    @sumatran Год назад

    Never heard him talk like that, but it's true.

  • @thegibbonisreal
    @thegibbonisreal Год назад +13

    'won't know if I'm just gonna do some railwork' hahahahahaha, funny guy.........he'll pump down the line and huck a bs full rote to flat before claiming 999 times out of 1000. In one heat.

  • @scotthull2141
    @scotthull2141 10 месяцев назад +1

    even the translator doesn't like Italo 😂

  • @matthewj9832
    @matthewj9832 Год назад +1

    Did that dude drink the ocean water? Wtf lol

  • @elkhadirizouhair5508
    @elkhadirizouhair5508 Год назад +1

    What is the name of this surf spot?

    • @TheZyrustafer
      @TheZyrustafer 5 месяцев назад

      Cacimba do padre - Fernando de Noronha Brazil

  • @paulmrodriguez
    @paulmrodriguez Год назад +2

    Used to like him. He is a tool. I’ll take João and Yago.

  • @ravingmad765
    @ravingmad765 10 месяцев назад +1

    There was nothing beautiful about that surf session. It was paint by numbers.

  • @antoinegodin4229
    @antoinegodin4229 Год назад +3

    merrick gonna win again

  • @StevieJonesBiking
    @StevieJonesBiking Год назад

    Anyone know the music at the end??

  • @generalmayhem8318
    @generalmayhem8318 Год назад

    I like all the fan boys getting huffy.

  • @cesarcaceres26
    @cesarcaceres26 Год назад

    Yewwww 🔥🔥 CI2PRO looking 🤑

  • @NahhBrahhh
    @NahhBrahhh Месяц назад

    This was a verrrry tough watch. Get Parko or someone else likeable in on the next.

  • @somos.tesoros_
    @somos.tesoros_ Год назад +2

    Surf like a monkey horrible style but I guess that’s what wins nowadays. Definitely respect his skill, but zero style

  • @jimjam8687
    @jimjam8687 Год назад +1

    Where is it filmed?

  • @maxamillion6958
    @maxamillion6958 Год назад

    Italo is a fukin monsta!
    -So gnarly..

  • @eltondurva
    @eltondurva Год назад +6

    O cara ali tomou água do mar merrrrrmo...????

    • @eltondurva
      @eltondurva Год назад

      @@paulolgoncalves 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂

  • @shamu0utofcag3600
    @shamu0utofcag3600 Год назад

    Any of the surfboard tails I did not take photos of or designs of which I’m not already familiar with might as well throw out start from scratch and take notes from these boys

  • @paulsmith5167
    @paulsmith5167 Год назад +33

    Jesus that is painful to watch, he is becoming the most hated surfer in the world. His quote saying MAKE ME HAPPY , you could imagine what he is like when not on camera, being bossy and given orders and how about his disrespect to Timmy Patterson and given all the credit to Tico and Tica at the Brazilian factory , certainly wouldn’t buy his board after watching this. I instantly had to watch the Dane Reynolds stab in the dark, to redeem my faith in surfing. Jordy was right, you wouldn’t give him a cent.

    • @lukareli783
      @lukareli783 Год назад +1

      Where I can find what Jordy said?

    • @paulsmith5167
      @paulsmith5167 Год назад +4

      @@lukareli783 stab how surfers get paid, final episode

    • @dennetoyanguren9038
      @dennetoyanguren9038 Год назад +2

      The guy Rips!! Chill out!

  • @638Benj
    @638Benj Год назад

    Stab should invite Glen Pang Duh

  • @SuperBigben8
    @SuperBigben8 Год назад +63

    Is it me or he sounds quite cocky ?

    • @Pullyaheadin92
      @Pullyaheadin92 Год назад +34

      He’s Brazilian mate

    • @cwr8618
      @cwr8618 Год назад +1

      Most of em sound like dbags

    • @ppg4667
      @ppg4667 Год назад +33

      Guy is top 5 in the world of course he's gonna be confident. Go cry into your budlight while you watch the young turks

    • @babypapaya8229
      @babypapaya8229 Год назад +8

      It’s you he’s on another level. Did u see the clip of the contest

    • @tldrttyl
      @tldrttyl Год назад +8

      @@babypapaya8229another level at surfing and cockiness

  • @kylewattssurfing3266
    @kylewattssurfing3266 Год назад +1

    Awesome yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

  • @raphaelarmandovalor6586
    @raphaelarmandovalor6586 Год назад +8

    best part is brazilian girls

  • @Bbqcuesurf
    @Bbqcuesurf Год назад +11

    Arrogância 😅

  • @EternalJourneys
    @EternalJourneys Год назад +4

    Brazilian much?

  • @keonisoler3936
    @keonisoler3936 Год назад

    We need to see a SITD video game

  • @MrMultop
    @MrMultop Год назад +1

    Make it free brahs

  • @claysonsantosxavierdemorae6068
    @claysonsantosxavierdemorae6068 9 месяцев назад

    Menhorees momento das suas pala vra de pegar onda😊

  • @parkerrabon4458
    @parkerrabon4458 Год назад

    sooooo...... you want me to pay to watch the whole thing but yet i already know the winner without even clicking on the video?

    • @aaronjosephs4669
      @aaronjosephs4669 Год назад

      He's testing the board that won last year

    • @cwalt74
      @cwalt74 Год назад

      @@aaronjosephs4669 same as this year tho...

  • @sean7841
    @sean7841 Год назад +6

    WOW so humble, he will call it passion, i call it arrogance, calm down bru youre not a surfing legend by any means.

    • @vitordaher8941
      @vitordaher8941 Год назад

      No, he is not.
      He is just a world champion and the 1st surfer Olympic gold medalist.
      But you are better Sean, hands down
      lol what an idiot talking about being humble or arrogant

  • @soulsurfer3102
    @soulsurfer3102 Год назад +7

    its about time italo the great learn inglish

  • @calbobbball
    @calbobbball Год назад


  • @herbettyoliveira4849
    @herbettyoliveira4849 Год назад

    Campeão 🏆

  • @byronbass1370
    @byronbass1370 Год назад +11

    Which board goes good down the line to do a air 360. Horrible style, and typical brazzo attitude

    • @cwr8618
      @cwr8618 Год назад

      typical. and it's impressive the amount of public lice defending shit attitudes. happens in all sports - someone can do ONE THING really well, so it's cool if they're dbags. As much as I love to surf, it's just a dude riding a board in the ocean. Newsflash - he's not developing new clean water technology or curing cancer. He's standing on a board in the ocean...

  • @erics4127
    @erics4127 Год назад +1

    ripping but so spazzy, not pleasing to the eyes

  • @jump171
    @jump171 Год назад +1

    that opening was so cringe

  • @hman7236
    @hman7236 Год назад


  • @gustavocardoso07
    @gustavocardoso07 Год назад +1


  • @lucascheida8589
    @lucascheida8589 Год назад

    Ítalo é pica dms tncc

  • @yasserben7143
    @yasserben7143 Год назад

    Pay, pay, pay... pffff

  • @victorchen3997
    @victorchen3997 Год назад


  • @thiagohd180
    @thiagohd180 Год назад

    Ítalo the best

  • @flavioalbuquerque1614
    @flavioalbuquerque1614 Год назад


  • @randasyahputra9715
    @randasyahputra9715 Год назад

    Old man

  • @direnluiten7623
    @direnluiten7623 Год назад +1


    • @cwr8618
      @cwr8618 Год назад

      Saving yourself for marriage eh

  • @shamu0utofcag3600
    @shamu0utofcag3600 Год назад

    Took pictures of a bunch of different surfboard tails and best of batches etc

  • @FeelJah2222
    @FeelJah2222 Год назад


  • @machadsurf5619
    @machadsurf5619 Год назад +1

    bad reputation