Maybe he didn't have the privilege of a good scientific education. If that is so, that's hardly his fault. Bad luck, I guess. Ofc, I get that that unscientificness may turn off some people. It is what it is.Big brain? Since he started supporting dumb conspiracy theories he’s so unsexy to me…He calls the Covid vaccines the “Bill Gates Vaccines”… I mean, gurl.
He's a grown ass man. We don't stop learning when we leave school and can only learn via instruction. Adults don't go to class 2 hours a day to be educated. We learn by reading the newspapaer, listening to radio and Tv news. He makes his own decisions including being ignorant about masks and vaccines.Maybe he didn't have the privilege of a good scientific education. If that is so, that's hardly his fault. Bad luck, I guess. Ofc, I get that that unscientificness may turn off some people. It is what it is.
But given that we cannot verify whether his silliness is sui generis or a consequence of bad education, we may as well abandon this point. This thread really ought to be about his sexiness imo (though a good part of it has been devoted to 'his views'. What even?)
These are the type of comments that come off so gross. It will be posted when it gets posted. If you have a want things as soon as they are released… PAY FOR IT. The digital begging, or rather demands, are getting video is posted on tetatita!! Please share it!
I AM DIGITALLY BEGGING FOR THE NEW VIDEO TOO. I join the queue!These are the type of comments that come off so gross. It will be posted when it gets posted. If you have a want things as soon as they are released… PAY FOR IT. The digital begging, or rather demands, are getting tiring.
You were the one complimenting his "brain" xd had to laugh. Just funny to me that you choosed to because he's hot but reeeeally dumbgurlllll. We are here to empty our balls, not to discuss politics lmao
No. The video ended with another couple, a man and a woman.Nice.
Any previews for the next chapter that indicate Bel does any reciprocation?
I am less jealous and more proud of and happy for the freeeeakin' lucky guy that gets to blow him.