I'm still puzzled about the last 2 teasers of the bonus event.
Why releasing a teaser half pixelated for then (under the patron's pressure) releasing a new one that basically spoils what he covered in the previous one, instead e.g. revealing the first one or simply going for the second one in the first place?
I does not make much sense to me.
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Let's start from the last one.
We have the 3 students alone in a classroom and it seems that Jennifer is going to put up a show for Aiden and Andre.
Let's connect the dots with the previous bonus teaser and the one before that (the "looming" one): Sophia will notice them going inside the classroom and peep on them from the glass of the door and see the hot event. Something along those lines.
Easy. Too easy? Yes!

Well, that's the point, he basically (almost) completely spoiled the event. Sure, we don't know the details and what exactly happens in the room, why, how etc but we already get the gist of it.
That's not how he usually does for the teasers. Consider how many theories we produced for Sophia squatting in the classroom.
So here is a
wild theory 
What if in the first pixelated teaser he didn't want to hide **who** was entering the classroom with Aiden but rather hide what the two (Jennifer and Andre) were doing?
What if one or both of them were looking directly at Sophia and inviting her to come? Something in the likes of the classic "We got the key, the coast is clear, come!"? Like Sophia is involved in that too and is just waiting around the corner to join them once the door is opened?
It's a big leap that turns a little bit the things around.
What if Sophia was not spying on them (she was not much covered behind the wall) but rather waiting the "go" signal from them after they got access to that classroom?
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That would mean that, for some reasons, she will participate in the event inside the classroom and what we see in the second teaser is what Sophia is seeing from **inside** the room.
nexer showed for the
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, the point of view of the second teaser is more from the inside the room than from the glass of one of the 2 doors. And also it seems closer (but, sure, it does not to be necessarily the POV of Sophia)
This is a POV similar to the teaser from inside the room:
View attachment 1659488
The two doors from which Sophia could peep would have a much more skewed and/or farther POV
View attachment 1659490
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One step forward: what if Jennifer is not putting up a show for Aiden and Andre but she is preparing something that involves Sophia?
What if instead of making the show for the two in front of her, she is teasing Sophia behind her starting with the shorts?
It's obviously difficult to imagine the rationale behind such a bonus event and why Sophia is willing to accept or kind of forced to. Whether is an extension of the task, or something that can be achieved only if e.g. Sophia went all the way during the art class or whatever...
My point is, what if it is not what it looks like at first sight (as usual) but Sophia is (or has to) actively participating in the event rather being the spectator behind the door? That would be more in the spirit of the usual teasers that tend to misled us.
Too much? Too far?

ViperDonkey already suggested
something similar, imagining that Sophia has the choice to accept doing that show herself or watch Jennifer doing it from the door, so that the pixelated teaser was meant to cover Sophia to avoid spoiling too much.
It's an interesting speculation as well. My only (very) minor remark is that Sophia is too tall to fit in that pixelated cloud, given that she is taller than Aiden, especially when she wears those kind of heels, e.g.:
View attachment 1659520
Given the perspective of the image of the teaser the cloud should be then a little bigger, considering also that Sophia would be a little bit closer to the camera than Aiden.
But despite this little detail, that would be another interesting development.